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Mata Mélina Bassinga
May 4, 20212 min read
Is there really a migrational crisis in Europe?
Photo by monicore from Pexels The history of humanity has always been characterized by migratory movements. However, today we speak of a...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
May 4, 20212 min read
Y a-t-il vraiment une crise migratoire en Europe ?
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels L'histoire de l'humanité a toujours été caractérisée par des mouvements migratoires. Cependant, on parle...

May 3, 20212 min read
World Press Freedom Day 2021: Information as a Public Good. PEN Malta Joins the conversation
Challenging attacks on press freedom and standing in solidarity with silenced journalists is now more important than ever, PEN Malta and...

Hani Camara
Apr 7, 20213 min read
Environmental refugees
Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels We all have in mind the image of refugees as people fleeing war, persecution and poverty, but there is...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Apr 6, 20213 min read
Quelle est la différence réelle entre un réfugié, un migrant et un demandeur d'asile ?
Photo de fotografierende provenant de Pexels La différence entre ce que constitue réellement un réfugié, un migrant et un demandeur...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Apr 6, 20213 min read
What is the real difference between a refugee, a migrant and an asylum seeker ?
Photo de Daria Sannikova provenant de Pexels The difference between what actually constitutes a refugee, a migrant and an asylum seeker...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Apr 1, 20213 min read
L'Europe a-t-elle une responsabilité envers les migrants qui cherchent à atteindre ses portes ?
Photo de provenant de Pexels L’héritage du passé colonial des pays européens a indéniablement eu un impact non négligeable...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Apr 1, 20213 min read
Does Europe have a responsibility towards the migrants who seek to reach its doors ?
Photo by slon_dot_pics from Pexels The legacy of the colonial past of European countries has undoubtedly had a significant impact on the...

Amélie Pallas
Mar 19, 20211 min read
21 March : International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
“Youth standing up against racism” : 2021 theme of the UN COVID-19 is reinforcing inequalities. The pandemic is impacting young people,...

Amélie Pallas
Mar 1, 20211 min read
1st of March - Zero Discrimination Day of United Nations
Today, United Nations promotes compassion, peace, inclusion, and solidarity to overcome all forms of discimination. According to...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Feb 26, 20214 min read
Everybody loves the sunshine : what does immigration really involve for the migrants ?
Photo by Jeffrey Czum from Pexels The appropriate definition of an immigrant population varies from country to country. According to the...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Feb 26, 20215 min read
Everybody loves the sunshine : qu'est-ce que l'immigration implique réellement pour les migrants ?
Photo de Amir Esrafili provenant de Pexels La définition appropriée donnée à ce qu’est une population immigrante change d’un pays à...

Amélie Pallas
Feb 25, 20211 min read
20th of February - World Day of Social Justice
According to the United Nations, social justice refers to equality for all and the capacity for each human being to have benefit of...

Mata Mélina Bassinga
Feb 25, 20213 min read
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly : deconstructing the negative migration narrative
Photo of Sovit Chetri from Pexels One of the first images that immediately comes to mind when discussing the theme of migration is that...

Florian Filin
Feb 22, 20214 min read
A Gamification Experience in the framework of a social inclusion project
UpGrad_Me 2.0 project aims to improve the employability of migrant youth, newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees at the European Union,...

Florian Filin
Feb 17, 20211 min read
NGO Co-Financing Fund - The co-funding mechanism of MEDE
African Media Association Malta has been granted by the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) in Malta with co-funding for its...

Amélie Pallas
Jan 29, 20212 min read
The entrepreneurship for all in Senegal : Make Sense Africa
Photo by PICHA Stock from Pexels Would you like to improve your entrepreneurship skills, start a project, build the future of Senegal ?...

Hani Camara
Jan 6, 20215 min read
The myth of Europe in Africa
The protagonists of irregular immigration who every day try to cross the Mediterranean to reach the European continent are young men and...
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