The Nobel peace prize 2019 accused of murdering civilians in Ethiopia. It happened last Tuesday during a protests held in front of the parliament in Valletta.
Around 50 activists gathered to demand justice for Hachalu Hundessa, a singer revered among the Oromos. The artist was shot dead in Addis Ababa on June 29, his murder led to riots in the Ethiopian capital which caused the death of 239 people, according to figures given by the official police.
Protesters accused the Prime minister Abiy Ahmed to have failed to his mission to protect the Oromos.
Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel for his "decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea". Elected Prime Minister of the East African country in 2018, he led difficult talks with the Eritrean counterpart which resulted into a historic agreement set to bury a decade-long conflict.
His approval rate has quickly faded and he faces harsh opposition in Ethiopia, not only from political adversaries, but inside his own ethnic group, the Oromos who say he has not done enough to alleviate their problems.
Ethiopia is an ethnic federal country and tensions buried during the previous dictatorship government are uninhibited under Abiy who has made significant political reforms toward democracy.
Protesters in Valletta called for his resignation and demand the support of the international community.

Pictures and Report. Tommy Bloquel, Regine Dang